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The Pep Manufacturing Company, Inc. was founded in 1922 to provide valve grinding compound for the automotive trade. During the next 50+ years, it has established and maintained a reputation for superior quality and excellent service. The PEP products are used by industry as well as the automotive, fleet maintenance and commercial trade.
In 1972, Acton Associates acquired the PEP line. Acton Associates later became incorporated as ACTON Technologies, Inc.
and continued to market the PEP line of products.
PEP Grinding Compound is useful where grinding, sharpening or abrading is indicated. Although its primary use is in automotive repair, it has many other applicationis as well. Used on Phillips head screwdrivers, it vastly increases gripping power. Sharpening lawnmowers is easy with PEP - Simply apply it to the blades and run the mower backwards.
PEP may be ordered in fine, medium and course grades. Medium grade will suit most general and automotive uses. PEP Grinding Compound in unaffected by heat and cold, will not dry out in the jar and has a very long shelf life.
PEP is available in a convenient 16-oz size.
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