Sodium Ammonia Surface Modification of FluoropolymersACTON Technologies is the world leader in the surface modification of fluoropolymers and has been successfully etching all fluoropolymers including PTFE, PVDF, FEP, PFA, PCTFE, ECTFE and ETFE among others since 1947. During this time, ACTON also has been at the leading edge of development in the surface chemistries for fluoropolymer modification.
Meeting the challenging demands of our customers has allowed us to
focus our intelligence and ingenuity on many fronts and now this expertise has lead ACTON to develop a new sodium ammonia etching line at our
ISO 9001/ISO 14001 certified facility.
Sodium ammonia etching is a surface treatment of fluoropolymers that increases bonding strengths and allows for adhering to other surfaces. This improved sodium ammonia process allows customers with “ammonia etch” specifications to have a surface modification source produced in a controlled environment that yields the most consistent results in the industry. ACTON’s sodium ammonia etching delivers high performance bondable fluoropolymers for demanding applications such as those found in aerospace, marine and automotive industries among others.
- Available one-sided or two-sided etch
- Currently etching fluoropolymer films:
- Width: 24 – 48 inches
- Thickness: 0.002 – 0.125 inch
- Roll weight: up to 1,500 pounds
- Specialty shapes: upon request
- Chemistry mixed fresh daily for consistent results
- Virtually complete removal of surface Fluorine
- An ISO 9001 and 14001 certified company
- Government and Military
- Aerospace
- Power generation
- Transportation and bridge building
- Automotive
- Computer and telecommunications
- Shipbuilding
- Oil and gas
